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Big Daddy O'Reilly

4/26/2017 3:36:31 PM

A Scary Observation

Over the past few months, it's come to my attention that a majority of Trump supporters out there pretty much embody who Frank Burns was: ignorant, arrogant, thinks everyone else who don't agree with their views is anti-American, turns a blind eye to the problems of others, homophobic, resorts to name-calling (with Frank it was "bleedin' hearts," with Trump supporters it's "snowflakes"), thinks highly of themselves while looking down on others when they're not so above it all, want Purple Hearts without doing anything to earn them, pathological, and warmongers.

The scariest thing about it is Frank was just a character, so he was written in a broad and exaggerated way to make him buffoonish and funny for a comedy series . . . Trump's supporters are actually like that in real life and consider themselves a "silent majority" (they may be a majority, but they've never been silent). It also doesn't help that Trump himself seems to be anxious to get another Korean conflict started.

Thankfully, not ALL Trump supporters are like this, and even some of the more intelligent ones are realizing what a lying, cheating, buffoon he really is . . . but as I said, a good majority of his supporters ARE like this, and when you see this in real life, as opposed to a character on TV, it's quite frightening.


4/26/2017 4:33:14 PM

With all due respect, how is this relevant to this forum? I could see this as fitting in the off topic section, but my understanding is that this was about MASH, not politics.


4/26/2017 7:17:39 PM

HannibalMO wrote:
With all due respect, how is this relevant to this forum? I could see this as fitting in the off topic section, but my understanding is that this was about MASH, not politics.

I agree. Please let's not discuss politics on this board.

Big Daddy O'Reilly

4/26/2017 8:42:12 PM

HannibalMO wrote:
With all due respect, how is this relevant to this forum? I could see this as fitting in the off topic section, but my understanding is that this was about MASH, not politics.

Frank isn't part of M*A*S*H anymore?


4/26/2017 10:26:24 PM

Big Daddy O'Reilly wrote:
Frank isn't part of M*A*S*H anymore?

He is, but it's clear that your original post was very political and the Frank comparison was merely a tangential reference. For example, your post mentioned Trump five times while only mentioning Frank three times.

Big Daddy O'Reilly

4/27/2017 1:27:50 AM

Actually, I only mentioned Trump himself twice; I was speaking of his supporters (again, not all of them, but the so-called "silent majority" that act and behave very much like Frank).

But again, this is just an observation I had.


4/27/2017 6:39:21 PM

Frank came from a dysfunctional, abusive home. He treated others poorly because he didn't know how to break the cycle of verbal and likely physical abuse he suffered. Frank was a scared little boy inside who wanted someone to like him but could not figure out how to make that happen. The behaviors he exhibited were out of fear, anxiety, and anger.


4/28/2017 12:17:53 AM

Big Daddy O'Reilly wrote:
Actually, I only mentioned Trump himself twice; I was speaking of his supporters (again, not all of them, but the so-called "silent majority" that act and behave very much like Frank).

But again, this is just an observation I had.

I may have misread your post, and my apologies if I did. I just feel like that your post was politically motivated and, while you obviously have the right to express your opinion, I just think this isn't the place for it. Just my two cents. :)

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